Thursday, December 6, 2012

No Answers

Oh So many words come to mind when I reflect on my recent retreat.
The inaugural contemplative retreat for “Gravity – A center for contemplative
Activism”.   Words and phrases, such as, “Solitude”, “Commitment to relationship”, “Who are you?”, “Connect with God”, “Pain and Joy”, and “Embracing Humanity”.  

 “Solitude”, what does that mean?  To be alone?  Or to rest in God? 
No, I will not and cannot answer.  The answer is found in the voice of our soul.

 “Commitment to relationship”, what does that mean?  To Others?  Or
To God?  No, I will not and cannot answer.  The answer is in the love “for”
and “of” God and the desire to consent to God’s will. 

 “Who are you?” , what does that mean?  Defined by you? Or Defined by God?
No, I will not and cannot answer.  The answer is found in scripture’s command
“Love thy neighbor as thy self”. 

 “Connecting with God”, what does that mean? Our God?, Your God? Or My God?
No, I will not and cannot answer.  The answer is found in the “in dwelling” of the
Holy Spirit and the “Ears” of our soul.  

 “Pain and Joy”,  what does that mean? Jesus’ Pain? Or  Our pain?
No, I will not and cannot answer.  The answer is found in God’s love for us.

 “Embracing Humanity”, what does that mean?  Changing Humanity? Or Changing
Ourselves?  No, I will not and cannot answer.  Like “Commitment to relationship”,
the answer is in the love “for” and “of” God and the desire to consent to God’s will. 

 As you see,  I have no answers only questions.   Questions such as:
Where would we be without the Love of God?  No, I will not and cannot
Answer.  The answer is found in your prayer, my prayer And our prayer. +

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