Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Life's Tapestry

As I walk along the paths of life.
I choose Jesus as companion. 
Together we look at the tapestry of my life.
A tapestry woven by my life happenings.  I
see weathered and worn parts of the tapestry 
where it seems I may have lingered longer than
needed. I see brightly colored patches where it 
seems I have delighted in some Gift from God.
I see the not so bright patches where I may
have stumbled and fell.  Even a scorched
patch where I stood to close to the fire.
Always and ever close is Jesus.  Sometimes
Sorrow.  Sometimes Joy. Sometimes Peace.
Always God’s Love and God’s Grace. +

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Come Holy Spirit.
Come Holy Night.
Come Holy Day.
Peace for the Soul.
Peace for the Young.
Peace for the Old.
Christ here for you.
Christ here for me.
Christ here for all. +